Thinking about joining the adventure? You’re bound to have loads of questions about Scouting – we’ve tried to answer some of the most common ones below, but if you can’t find the answer please get in touch
When do we meet?
Scouting is divided into sections by age range; we have three sections here in Histon
Beavers, Cubs and Scouts.
Owing to high demand, we run two Cub Packs and two Scout Troops, which differ only in when they meet.
— for young people aged between 6 and 8 years old, meet Thursday 6-7pm
(Iceni Pack) — for young people aged between 8 and 10½, meet Tuesday 6.30-8pm
(1st Histon Pack) — for young people aged between 8 and 10½, meet Wednesday 6.15-7.30pm
— for young people aged between 10½ and 14 years, meet Monday 7.20-9.10pm
— for young people aged between 10½ and 14 years, meet Thursday 7.20-9.10pm
- All sections meet only during term time.
Times of individual weekly meetings may vary due to activity, location, etc. As a guide, our terms are generally the same as the School terms, although we continue to run a variety of special events and activities during the holidays.
How much does it cost?
All our members pay a termly (3 times a year) subscription to the group. As of September 2023 this fee is:
Beavers |
£38 |
Cubs |
£40 |
Scouts |
£44 |
Once a child has joined the group, there is a £5 termly discount for subsequent siblings.
We have a participation support policy to support young people who may need it.
The subscription includes:
- Membership of the Group, District and National Scout Association
- Insurance
- Use of the Scout Hut
- Cost of general materials and resources for weekly meetings
Camps, Trips and some activities are charged separately. We work hard to keep costs down and trips are generally charged “at cost” (happily we usually get a lower admission rate than the general public!)
Is there a Uniform? And how much does that cost?
Scouting is a uniformed organisation for all sections.
It can be ordered through or John Lewis.
We provide the necker, which is group specific and your first set of badges.
We have a participation support policy to support young people who may need it.
Will my Child be Safe?
All our leaders undertake DBS (formerly known as CRB) checks, and a strict appointment procedure is followed. The leader in charge of each section (and many of our other leaders) have undertaken extensive training, covering areas such as Safeguarding, Health and Safety, Managing Challenging Behaviour, etc. The group has clear behaviour policies which are followed, and we follow the Scout Association's “Young People First” safeguarding procedures. A qualified first aider is present for all activities and appropriate first aid equipment is available whether we are in the hall or out and about.
Scouting encourages young people to take sensible risks in a controlled way. Your child will climb trees, light fires and learn to use knives, as well as taking part in a number of adventurous activities. We recognise that minor injuries are an inevitable part of childhood, but follow risk assessments and operating procedures to ensure that all activities are as safe as possible.
What activities do you do?
We offer a very wide range of activities – see the About pages for examples for each section, or get in touch if you would like to find out more.
Can girls join?
Yes certainly! Beavers, Cubs and Scouts have been co-educational for many years now and have benefitted hugely because of it.
In fact there are now over 60,000 girls across all sections of Scouting nationwide, and a good number are in our group!
Our leader team is also mixed.
Does my child have to go Camping?
A key part of Scouting is going away from home on residential nights away trips. These are a mix of camps, indoor sleepovers, and expeditions, and vary by section; typically, each year, we would offer:
- Beavers: 2 overnight trips
- Cubs: 5 trips, totalling 7-8 nights
- Scouts: 6 trips, totalling 10-12 nights
Whilst attendance at camps is not required it is strongly encouraged, and is a core part of the programme. Over the years we have found that young people who do not attend the camps miss out on a huge part of the scouting experience. If you have any concerns about your son/daughter attending camps, or about paying for them, please do talk to us.
Is Scouting a Religious Organisation?
Scouting is open to those of any faith, or no faith at all. During your son or daughter’s time in Scouting they will be encouraged to explore their own beliefs, and to learn about world faiths. Various versions of the Scout Promise are available, and your son/daughter will be encouraged to make their own choice as to which they would like to make. Whilst we encourage young people to explore their faith, Scouting is not itself a religious organisation.
Will I be expected to help?
You don't have to but we'd love it if you did. We are a family-orientated group, and encourage all family members to get involved. Whether it’s helping occasionally as part of a parent rota, supporting trips or camps, or taking on a more regular leadership role, we depend entirely on volunteers to run our weekly section meetings. Behind the scenes we are supported by an active Executive Committee and fundraising team.
But don’t let that put you off – volunteering for the group is very rewarding, and can be great fun. We run a range of social events for parents and families throughout the year, and it’s a great way to make new friends – for the adults as well as the kids!
Is there a waiting list?
Scouting in Histon and Impington is very popular and we receive many membership enquiries. Unfortunately we are limited in the number of young people who can join us, not by our venue or resources but by the number of volunteers we have.
At present, waiting lists operate for all three sections. You can find out more about our waiting list policy here.
How do we Get Involved?
Get in touch with us today - we'd love to hear from you.
How is the Group Managed?
Scouting has a defined management structure. Each Section is managed by a Section Leader. All the sections, along with the group in general, are managed by the Group Scout Leader – who in turn is line managed by the District Commissioner.
The group is a charity, and as such is managed by a board of trustees. This Trustee Board is made up of leaders, parents, and lay members.
The Constitution sets out the charitable aims and the formation of the Trustee Board.
How do we maintain our facilities?
The Scout & Guide Hut includes a single hall, toilets, kitchen space and storage. The building was “gifted at the end of its useful life” in 1986, and since then has been maintained by the Scout and Guide sections that use it.
The Group continues to be interested in improving our facilities. Works in the last decade have included re-felting the roof, putting in a projector, the creation of a wood store and the erection of some low-level safety fencing to segregate the space from the road.
These improvements were achieved thanks to the award of grant funding via the Cambridgeshire Community Foundation.
How does the Group help to protect the environment?
1st Histon Scout Group has recognised that its activities can impact on the Environment. The Sustainability Policy sets out the aims of the Group
to address the impacts of the group when undertaking activities.
When can I attend Group meetings after being unwell?
The Sickness Policy outlines the policy of the 1st Histon Scout Group with regard to sickness of Scouting participants.